Grace=unmerited favor
I've been a Christian for a long time. Most of my life. I didn't always walk right, but I knew the Truth, and eventually I let the Truth set me free (because God can set you free, but you choose to carry around the chains anyway). Something long-time Christians may struggle with is thinking all they do for Christ proves to Him how righteous they are. (Righteous=right in God's eyes)
My epiphany for this week is that God's grace, given to me by Jesus, makes me righteous. Not what I do. Oh, I knew this all along. I knew I was saved by grace and not works. I've taken college classes on being sanctified and justified, and I knew what they meant. But somewhere along the line, I started feeling like all I DO shows what I AM to God.
And here's the thing: I am still right in God's eyes even if I'm not teaching a class; I'm right in God's eyes even if my husband isn't the Praise and Worship leader; I'm right in God's eyes even if we drop all our responsibilities at our church and walk away. What I DO does not make me what I AM to God. (***Goosebumps***) It's what HE did.